by Rocky Macy
For those of you who were unable to make it to Southwest City for Rootbound's Genealogy Workshop this past Saturday, here is a recap of what you missed:
Mr. Rylen RUDY, a family genealogist from Neosho, served as a moderator and spoke on basic procedures and sources used in genelaogy. Mr. RUDY brought a wide selection of books and materials for workshop participants to browse through. Also serving on the panel were Mrs. Sybil JOBE, President of the Newton County Historical Society, and Dr. Robert TUCKER, professional genealogist from Noel, MO. Mrs. JOBE told of her experiences in researching and writing a family history, and Dr. TUCKER discussed brass rubbings from the old churches of England. All three panelists fielded questions from the audience on a variety of genealogical topics.
In addition to the distinguished panel, representatives from two other groups showed up and provided information about sources in their areas. Those most welcome guests were Mr. Raymond E. JEFFERIES, past president of the Northwest Arkansas Genealogical Society, and Mr. Carl A. HANNAH, program chairman for the Grove Genedalogical Society.
I hope that those of you who were able to attend enjoyed the session as much as I did. Many thanks to the speakers who put so much time and effort in providing our readers with this quality presentation. It was special! Thanks, also, to those of you who came to listen and learn. One of the highlights of the day for me was getting to meet so many of our readers. Maybe we can do it again next year!
I now have a copy of The Stagecoach Bulletin for Genealogists (Jan.-Feb. 1988) which has a nationwide directory for newspaper genealogy columns. If you need the name and address for a genealogical column in some other part of the United States, I'll be happy to let you know what is available.
Dr. Robert TUCKER of Noel has told me about a most interesting book which is available in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Recorder in Pineville. It seems that after the McDonald County Courthouse burned during the Civil War, people were encouraged to come in and re-register their land deeds. Many did. The volume of pre-Civil War land information was recently indexed by Dr. TUCKER for ease in research. He describes it as being "a gold mine of early McDonald County history." If your McDonald County lines extend back beyond the Civil War, be sure to stop by the Recorder's office and ask to look through this book.
Here's something from this week's mailbag:
"Dear Mr. Macy:
"None of my ancestors settled in Missouri. However, in a recent column you invited lists of ancestral surnames, so here is mine (surnames followed by states of residence): ATWATER (CT), BALLARD (VA, SC, MS), BROONER / BRUNER (PA, KY, IN), CAMPBELL (TN), COOPER (MD, KY), COX (MA, KY, IN), DePASS (SC), LEITNEW (Wurttemberg, Germany, and KY), McDANIEL (MD, KY, IN), MUNDO (Hessen-Dermstadt, Germany and KY), PHILLIPS (AL, MS), ROOT (CT), and SANDLIN (SC, MS).
"Thank you. Your column is quite interesting.
"Very truly yours,
"Claudette M. ITTNER
"(Route 1, Box 80-A, Noel, MO 64854)"
I'm certain that Mrs. ITTNER would be happy to exchange information with anyone who is researching one of her surnames.
Hazeldean CLARK BALLARD (P.O. Box 140, Vina, CA 96092) phoned in a query the other evening. Her family has roots in the Anderson, MO, area. Two surnames that are of interest to Hazeldean are WHITEHEAD and HERRING. She would like to hear from any of her Missouri kin.
Happy trails!
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